I’m Still Here!

First off, my apologies; I know I haven’t written in a while. HOWEVER I promise my mind has been on a creative roller coaster in the past few weeks and I’m feeling really inspired. I have much to share!

As you may or may not know I am currently unemployed, out of education and have spent my days mastering the art of nonsensical daydreaming. This is not new; in fact things have been this way for a few years now. I have so many hopes and aspirations, dreams for the future, and as most of you know, most dreams and aspirations cost money. Recently I was hunting for a job to restore my honour and fuel my aspirations. (I don’t actually enjoy living off my parents.) On my endeavors I was quickly disheartened. Minimum wage is depressing. I tried to calculate how long it would take me to save up for the things I want to do, only to throw my results away in horror. So what can I do? Spend another 2-4 years in school? NO THANKS! Not only would that crush my soul, it would waste more time and money. So I started thinking a little differently.

A few months ago I stumbled across a book by the mighty Richard Branson. As a top-notch procrastinator, I only started reading it about a week ago. I had barely skimmed the surface, but already I was feeling inspired. And to top it all off, that weekend I went to a seminar in the hopes to change my life. Dani Johnson is a self-made millionaire; she went from being homeless to being a successful entrepreneur. Amazing right? Later that week I went to another little talk from the people at Rich Dad Poor Dad and let’s just say it’s been an insightful trip.

My perspective on money has been forever changed and I feel like I’ve started a new chapter in my life. A new sense of purpose and drive has revealed itself and I can’t wait to get started on the adventure I’ve been waiting for! I want to change the world one person at a time and I think I know how I’m going to do that. Now I just have to prove that to everyone else. If I accomplish nothing else but this, I think I will have done what I was meant to do.

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible” – Walt Disney

In other news, I’ve been busy, busy, busy! It’s CRUNCH TIME! My dear friend is flying out to see me in just over a month, and there is much to do! We’re in the process of cementing our road trip around the UK and a whimsical trip to Paris. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to hang out, explore and, more importantly, listen to a badass playlist whilst cruising along, ya know, road trip stuff.

On the road

In other, other news today, oops, yesterday, I started the 30 day juicing challenge. The challenge is pretty simple, drink one juice a day.

Day 1

Apple, celery, carrot, orange, lemon.

Apple, celery, carrot, orange, lemon.

This juice consisted of apples, celery, carrots, orange and lemon. It wasn’t too bad, but I strongly dislike celery.

I’m really trying to get on board and live a healthier lifestyle, I’ve even signed up for the gym and will start on Monday. And now that I’ve told you, the blogisphere, I hope that will give me more incentive to keep at it.

On a side note, Game of Thrones is back! I love that show. It’s my guilty pleasure. I stayed up till 2am to watch it as soon as possible. 😀

Season 4 finally!

And, much to my own demise, I have finally seen Frozen, and annoyingly that song keeps getting stuck in my head. As a result, despite my best efforts and with great reluctance, I have added “Let it Go” to my Spotify.

Anyway, to wrap up I’ll leave you with another little quote.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. That is all.” – Oscar Wilde.

For so long I’ve just existed, now it’s time I started living!

Thanks for reading!!

One thought on “I’m Still Here!

  1. Wow Grace, when you make a come back you certainly do it with gusto, you write with such eloquence maybe you should add writing a book to your list. Proud of you Grace.

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